Loving Chiropractic of Stuart Kids Spinal Adjustments
Infant Chiropractor Care in Stuart
This statement confuses some people who believe that chiropractic is a back pain profession without the consdieration of infant chiropractor care. In reality chiropractic deals with correcting subluxations. Subluxations are areas of interference to the nervous system caused by pressure or irritation from spinal bones. Chiropractors correct subluxations. One of the most common causes of a subluxation in an infant is the birth process.
Chiropractors have been warning the public of the danger to newborns from the common birth processes used today. Birth is a natural phenomenon that should not be viewed or treated as a medical condition. However, in an attempt to “manage” the birth process, many problems are created.
Health consequences to the newborn from subluxations caused from birth trauma range from immediate and severe to hidden problems that may take years to surface. Some of the more immediate and tragic results that have been documented are spinal cord and brain stem injuries, brain bleeding and swelling, neurological deficits, breathing problems and even sudden infant death syndrome.
The long-term consequences are as varied as the nerve system itself. Some of the more commonly mentioned problems that have been linked to traumatic birth are learning disabilities, headaches, visual and hearing problems, certain palsies, and a number of immune functional problems.
Many experts are now suggesting that birth be handled as a normal and natural process. One of their suggestions is for the birthing position of choice to be an upright position of either sitting or squatting, using gravity to assist the birth process. This would result in less force being used for delivery and reduce the trauma from birth and the subluxation related effects.
Infant Chiropractor Care
Chiropractors have been stressing for years the importance of having newborns checked for vertebral subluxations. Checking the spine of an infant is painless and easy. The importance of a developing baby being free of nerve interference from subluxation cannot be understated. Even infants that appear healthy may have subluxations due to traumatic birth syndrome. All babies deserve the best chance at a healthy happy life. Babies deserve Chiropractic Care too.
Chiropractor Dr. Brian M. Moriarty, D.C. has a B.S. from Oglethorpe University and a D.C. from Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida. Loving Chiorpractic of Stuart is located at 630 SE Monterey Road, Stuart, FL Phone: 772-219-3313.