Weight Loss

[bscolumns class=”one_half”]Loving Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Am I Overweight?

Overweight is generally defined as having more body fat than is optimally healthy. Being overweight is a common condition, especially in America where food supplies are plentiful, fast food and quick meals are readily available.

A healthy body requires a minimum amount of fat for the proper functioning of the hormonal, reproductive, and immune systems, as thermal insulation, as shock absorption for sensitive areas, and as energy for future use. An accumulation of too much storage fat can impair movement and flexibility, and can alter the appearance of the body.

No matter your age, your weight is important. It’s something your physicians will probably keep track of throughout your life. When you visit your physician for an annual physical, the nurse or doctor often records your height and weight to compare it with what it was the last time you came in. The doctor wants to check that you are a healthy weight because weighing too much, or too little, can potentially be a problem.

These days, being overweight is more common than being underweight. In the last three decades, a growing number of children and teenagers have developed weight problems. Today, 1 out of 3 children and teens between the ages of 2 and 19 are overweight or even obese. Adults have weight problems issues, since 2 out of every 3 adults are overweight or obese. Individuals weighing too much can lead to illnesses and health problems.

Keeping Weight in Perspective

The health problems that stem from being overweight go way beyond the ones we usually hear about, like diabetes and heart disease. Being overweight can also affect a person’s joints, breathing, sleep, mood, and energy levels. So being overweight can impact a person’s entire quality of life.


Defining Overweight

When people eat more calories than they burn off, their bodies store the extra calories as fat.

A couple of pounds of extra body fat are not a health risk for most people, however, when individuals keep a pattern of eating more calories than they burn, additional fat builds up in their bodies. Eventually, the body gets to a point where the amount of body fat can have a negative effect on a person’s health. Doctors use the terms “overweight” or “obese” to describe when someone is at greatest risk of developing weight-related health problems.

More prevalent today, more and more people are overweight today than ever before. Experts are calling this an “obesity epidemic.” This health problem affects young people as well as adults.

If you are overweight or obese, you have an increased risk of developing various health problems. Even a modest amount of weight loss can help to reduce your increased health risks. The best chance of losing weight and maintaining an average weight is to be committed to a change in lifestyle. This includes eating a healthy diet and doing some regular physical activity.

Are you obese or overweight?

If you are obese or overweight, this means that you are carrying excess body fat. Being obese or overweight is not just about how you look. Over time, it means that you have an increased risk of developing various health problems. As an adult, you can find out whether you are overweight or obese and whether your health may be at risk, by calculating your body mass index (BMI) and measuring your waist circumference.[/bscolumns][bscolumns class=”one_half_last_clear”]

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

People are different heights and builds, so just weighing yourself cannot be used to decide if your weight is healthy. BMI is used by healthcare professionals to assess if someone’s weight is putting their health at risk. It is a measure of your weight related to your height.

How to Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI):

Weigh yourself in pounds.

Measure your height in inches.

Take your height in inches and square the number. In other words, multiply the number of inches by the same number of inches.

Divide your weight by the second figure. The second figure is your height in inches squared.

Multiply that answer by the conversion factor of 703 if you used inches and pounds.

Judge your personal BMI result against the following scale:

A BMI of less than 18 means you are under weight.

A BMI of less than 18.5 indicates you are thin for your height.

A BMI between 18.6 and 24.9 indicates you are at a healthy weight.

A BMI between 25 and 29.9 suggests you are overweight for your height.

A BMI of 30 or greater indicates obesity. If you are obese, consider consulting a doctor or losing weight.

A Calculated Example:

Weigh yourself in pounds. 180 lbs.

Measure your height in inches. 70 inches

Take your height in inches and square the number. In other words, multiply the number of inches by the same number of inches. 4,900

Divide your weight by the second figure. The second figure is your height in inches squared.

180 lbs ÷ 4,900 = 0.036734693

Multiply that answer by ­the conversion factor of 703 if you used inches and pounds.

0.036734693 x 703 = 25.82

Judge your personal BMI result against the following scale:

A BMI of less than 18 means you are under weight.

A BMI of less than 18.5 indicates you are thin for your height.

A BMI between 18.6 and 24.9 indicates you are at a healthy weight.

A BMI between 25 and 29.9 suggests you are overweight for your height.

A BMI of 30 or greater indicates obesity. If you are obese, consider consulting a doctor or losing weight.

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